Church Announcements (Updated 2/3/2025)

1) Trustee for February: Sandy Shaffer (C) 864-980-8496. Please contact Sandy if you notice issues regarding the church grounds or buildings.

2) Altar Flowers: If you would like to provide flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, please contact Mrs. Jane Roper, church secretary, at 864-223-5333. As always, we thank you for your continued support of this very important ministry. Fresh church flowers during the worship service says ALOT about who we believe God is and what we believe is pleasing to Him. He is worthy of our praise!

3) Clergy Visits at Self Regional are available in non-Covid units from 1-3 pm, limit of 1 visitor per day. Home visits are also available by appointment. Please call the church office at 864-223-5333.

4) Financial Information: Please continue to keep the Church in your prayers as we make decisions to love and support it. Your presence is always requested and your tithe always appreciated. If you are not able to attend worship, mailing your tithe check to the church is also a safe and much appreciated option that many are using. The church mail is collected daily. Likewise, many banks allow online and recurring online payments through their banking applications free of charge. It is vitally important that we do not fail to “gather together as some have,” and continue in a spirit of giving. Thank you!

5) Bobbie Wiley Bible Study Group normally meets on Mondays at 10:00 in the Fellowship Hall. On Sept. 16 we began a new, informal study of the Book of Acts, which includes a short video on each chapter followed by discussion. You are invited to join us. We collect donations for Hospice on the 2nd Monday of every month. The staff at Hospice is always appreciative of our ongoing ministry.