SUNDAY SCHEDULE (Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. with Worship each Sunday at 11:00 a.m.)

Currently we have 3 adult Sunday School classes – the Brockwell/Clark Class and the Stevenson Class which meet in the main sanctuary building, and the Stillwell Class which meets in the educational wing of the church. The children’s classes also meet in the educational wing. A recently started older girls’ class meets in the main sanctuary building. The Brockwell/Clark Class uses traditional literature, while the Stevenson and Stillwell Classes use books selected by individual class members. Children’s lessons are sometimes complemented by the Children’s Sermon during the worship service.

Focus Group Update

At its January 10, 2022 meeting, the Focus Group decided to continue encouraging people to be vaccinated and boosted. The wearing of masks, hand sanitizing and maintaining safe distance is still highly recommended. We believe this practice is the best way to keep our Tranquil family healthy and appreciate your understanding. In addition to the Delta variant of Covid that was circulating in 2021, the latest Omicron variant of Covid that is now circulating is highly contagious.

Currently, we are not asking you to register your attendance. However, if the Covid situation again becomes critical, we may resume this practice. We appreciate your cooperation.

The information below was developed for the re-opening of our worship services in 2020 following the Covid pandemic.

Worship Protocol

Prior to entering the sanctuary, please register your attendance at worship on the podium at the front door, or on the podium in the hallway by the handicapped door entrance. This will help us with contact tracing, should it become necessary.


  • We would like to reiterate that your decision to return to Church should be based upon your personal situation.  Those in the high risk group for developing Covid 19 (65+ years of age or those who are immunocompromised) may choose to return to worship at a later date.  Online worship services will continue for those who need more time.  Please stay at home if you have any of the symptoms of Covid 19, or have been in contact with someone who is infected.  If you are unsure of your risks, you should check with your medical provider. Additionally, you may visit the CDC’s website at for more information regarding Covid 19.
  • The service time will remain 11 a.m., but you may choose to come 15 minutes earlier to prevent a bottle neck at the door.  Orderly entrance and exit will be crucial to keeping us all healthy in this uncertain time.  All buildings except the sanctuary and selected Sunday School areas will be closed. If you attend Sunday School, you must use the SS room exit and re-enter the front of the sanctuary for worship.
  • You are encouraged to bring your own mask to worship. Launder your mask and bring it with you for our next worship service. In the event that you do not have one, we will have several disposable masks available.  Please take this mask with you when you leave worship, along with your bulletin.  While we respect your personal right to choose whether to wear a mask or not, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask for your own protection and the safety of those around you.
  • The Nursery will not be staffed at this time.
  • The balcony will remain closed to those who are not running/helping with the sound system.
  • We will have a time of prayer. However, we ask that you submit your prayer requests online by email or on the website,, before the Sunday service to eliminate the need for passing prayer cards.  Additionally, we will have a collection plate in the Narthex for your tithes.  You may deposit tithes as you are leaving the worship service, as there will be no collection during the actual service.
  • You are asked to enter the sanctuary using the front doors.  As stated before, disposable masks and hand sanitizer will be available.
  • Should you become ill, please notify the church office immediately.  Currently, attendance is not being recorded.
  • The best plan for avoiding Covid19 illness is to wash your hands, wear a mask, and maintain social distancing.  Please remember not to hug or touch one another.  This is for your safety as well as the safety of the entire church.
  • Please limit use of cell phones to emergencies only.
  • For your safety, a cleaning plan is in place to disinfect the sanctuary between worship services.
  • Don’t forget to bring your masks!

Thank you once again for adhering to these procedures as we resume our worship of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  We realize that the procedures above, along with the local medical data regarding Covid 19, may seem intimidating.  However, your Covid Focus group is committed and confident of our process, and has every hope that our worship together will go smoothly.  If you have any questions, you may call the church office and we will be glad to assist you.