Tranquil News

Sunday, May 7, 2023

We celebrated Tranquil’s 200+3 Years of Worship

Tranquil UMC is known as the “birthplace of Greenwood’s Methodism.”

Visitors and members were asked to fill out a name tag before entering the sanctuary. Tranquil history books were also available.

Former ministers of Tranquil – pictured at top right is Rev. Bob Stillwell, who delivered the message for our Anniversary/homecoming service on Sunday, May 7, 2023.

Rev. Stillwell reconnected with a Tranquil member.

Pictured are uniforms and trophies from Tranquil’s winning softball team.

Youth, Girl Scouts and Women’s Ministry photos were on display.

A well-filled dessert table had a good variety
to complete a delicious meal.

Visitors and members filled the fellowship hall, enjoying the food and the homecoming displays.

Pictured left to right is former minister, Rev. Luke Mims; current minister, Rev. John Bolin; and Tranquil members, Mrs. Judy Davis and her husband, retired minister, Rev. Jim Davis.

A picture of the church was used to make a special cake for the homecoming celebration.

Tranquil UMC Inclement Weather Policy

Decisions to cancel Sunday School and Worship Service will be made by 7:00 p.m. Saturday. These decisions will be based on the best weather and road conditions information available at the time. Decisions will be communicated by: 1) Message on church answering machine; 2) Local radio station 103.5 FM; 3) WSPA, WYFF, WLOS and WHNS TV stations; 4) Tranquil’s Facebook page; and 5) Tranquil’s website: